3 Best Coronavirus (COVID-19) Apps To Keep You Informed

The world is now suffering from corona virus. Coronavirus or Covid 19 is now a national threat, and spreads like a fire. The World Health Organization has declared it a pandemic. Worse, COVID-19 appears to be spreading from person to person in close contact.

To counter COVID-19, WHO and CDC recommended avoiding group gatherings, close communication, handwashing with soap, wearing a mask, etc. It is a viral pneumonia, so there is no use in antibiotics and antivirals. Also, there is currently no cure for COVID-19. The recovery depends entirely on the strength of the immune system.
Coronary artery virus outbreak has already caused global disorder, and affects the daily lives of the general public. People visit health related sites to gather information about disease outbreaks and preventive measures. To relieve some stress, we decided to share a list of the best apps to keep you informed about the outbreak of the Corona virus.

With these Android apps, you can quickly gather information about disease outbreaks and take preventive measures. These apps cover everything like updated information on COVID-19, global map with list of affected countries, news headlines, etc.

First Aid - Americal Red Cross is one of the best health and medical apps you can use on your Android smartphone. It contains videos, interactive quizzes, and simple step-by-step tips on how to deal with specific health threats. It contains a separate section for Coronavius ​​consisting of articles such as how to deal with Coronavirus compression, how to deal with a situation, symptoms to look for, etc. In addition, it also contains a list of emergency numbers and hospital maps.

Reddit is not a health or news app, but it is the best source for gathering useful information. For those who don't know, Reddit is a community driven platform where you can gather a lot of valuable information. On Reddit, you need to follow the subreddits of your choice. In the case of Coronavirus, you can follow r / Coronavirus to collect information. All the information you find on Reddit will be from real users. Lots of COVID-19 victims are also found on Reddit, to share details about their symptoms and experience.

Twitter is basically a social media platform used by many organizations including the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, etc. Governments and health departments use Twitter as a means of disseminating information to the public. If you are looking for a reliable way to consume information related to COVID-19, then you only need to follow the WHO, CDC, and other health organizations. It is basically an app that can help you stay informed and knowledgeable during an outbreak.
So, here are some of the best Android apps to stay informed about Coronavirus Pandemic. I hope this article helped you

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